New Delhi: The man and brain behind Classpad, Rohit Pande, a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, was in the town to launch his latest innovation.
Classpad, touted to be a competition for Aakash, the world’s cheapest tablet, is conceptualised to customise education in a way that every student can be reached and participate in the process of learning.
The use of Classpads can make the teachers transfer class works to the students' tablet, share their own content instantly at ease and conduct tests. Moreover, the students can also get into the groove by attempting to answer the queries and thus make the process of learning two-way.
With the Indian education sector, experimenting and adopting newer technologies to impart education, the Classpad can catch the fancy of the Indian schools along with its better features compared to Aakash and its in-built intelligence facility in which can help categorise students as fast, average and slow learners.
Considered to be the developed version of the Aakash tablet, the Classpad boasts of features such as touch screen, better battery life, 1.3 Ghz processing speed and a built-in memory of 4 Gb, which can also be expandable to 8 Gb. The device is also equipped with artificial intelligence and is built on the Android platform.
Its developer, the Classteacher Learning Systems of which Pande is the CEO, plans to take the device to the market through two business routes, the Trolley model and 'one tablet per child' (OTPC) model.
In the Trolley model, the device can be used on a shared manner by paying Rs 100 per child, whereas in ‘one tablet per child' (OTPC) model, the parents have to pay for the device. It is available for students of Class 3 to 12th
The good news for the general public is that, the developer of the Classpad is planning to launch the tablet in 2012 for the general public, which they can buy online.