Since the time handsome lad Shahid Kapoor broke up with Kareena Kapoor a few years back, he has been linked to every other Bollywood actress with whom he either shared screen or was spotted having a good time. From Anushka Sharma to Priyanka Chopra to Vidya Balan he has been linked to every girl of the glamour world. And this often left him sad every single time.
He recently quoted that every single time he was linked to any one he felt extremely poignant and distressed. He recently quoted that he was actually upset with the media houses and publications which carried out such nuisances. “It’s annoying to read a piece of trash in a supposed newspaper that runs information without crediting anyone for it” said an annoyed Shahid.
“There’s a limit to everything. I felt disgusted to read reports written in such a bad taste about a lady who comes from a respected family” added Shahid on talking about his link up with Anushka Sharma.
Well we hope such straight and on-your-face reaction from Shahid will bar the scribes from taking pot-shots over his personal life.