Now use smartphone to find nearest toilet!

London: Just can't wait. Want to find out where the nearest public toilet is during a trip to the Netherlands? Don't panic. You can now easily locate it using a new smartphone application.

All thanks to three students at University of Amsterdam, who have developed the new application -- called "hoognood" which means "desperate need". It can show the user where the closest lavatory is by using government information.

The smartphone application, which is also able to tell the difference between public and semi-public toilets, has won the top prize in a competition after securing the most votes from the online public, the '' reported.

A public toilet is a stand-alone facility that is available to everyone and a semi-public is a place that is generally open to the public such as a departmental store or a beer pub.

Though the application is currently only available in the Netherlands but it is hoped it will soon be rolled out to other Western countries and will no doubt prove popular with tourists, the 'Daily Mail' online said. 

SOurce: Znews
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