The popularity of the song "Kolaveri Di" was unanticipated, said Dhanush, actor and producer of the raging hit, while interacting with students of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), which offers courses on the contemporary film industry.
"The success it has achieved was not anticipated and I would be surprised if I saw it repeated in my lifetime," he told the students.
"We initially aimed at about 500,000 hits over the song's lifetime but it touched that number just in five days! The hits of the song now stand at a whopping 42 million," he said while talking about Internet marketing, which, according to him, can help in popularising songs or movies. He, along with Anirudh, 21, music director of "Kolaveri Di", also shared the lessons they learnt including the sale of music rights and purchasing rights.
Dhanush also spoke about his upcoming movie, which will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi with more 1,000 prints.
Anirudh talked about issues related to music rights for films in India, highlighting there is an absence of a proper system for royalty to the artists and producers, unlike western countries.
"The success it has achieved was not anticipated and I would be surprised if I saw it repeated in my lifetime," he told the students.
"We initially aimed at about 500,000 hits over the song's lifetime but it touched that number just in five days! The hits of the song now stand at a whopping 42 million," he said while talking about Internet marketing, which, according to him, can help in popularising songs or movies. He, along with Anirudh, 21, music director of "Kolaveri Di", also shared the lessons they learnt including the sale of music rights and purchasing rights.
Dhanush also spoke about his upcoming movie, which will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi with more 1,000 prints.
Anirudh talked about issues related to music rights for films in India, highlighting there is an absence of a proper system for royalty to the artists and producers, unlike western countries.