Nithin's New MOvie Courier Boy Kalyan’, a Telugu movie has been launched with a formal pooja ceremony yesterday in Hyderabad. ‘Courier Boy Kalyan’ film launch function has been attended by prominent Telugu cinema personalities and movie unit members. Nitin plays the lead role and Richa Gangopadhyaya is roped in as the heroine in this film.
‘Courier Boy Kalyan’ movie is directed Prem Sai, who earlier worked in Prabhu Deva direction team for successful movies. And now the time has come up for this young talented director Prem Sai to hold the megaphone. This movie is a bilingual which is simultaneously being made in Tamil as 'Tamila Selvano Tanyiyara Anjalum'.
This movie is touted to be a fun based love entertainer which will be made under the production of ace director Gautam Menon. Singer Karteek is composing music for this film. The Regular shoot of the movie is expected to start soon in Hyderabad.