The Bollywood film "Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar," starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor, has reportedly made over 70 crore rupees at the box office. The film, which was released on March 4, 2022, has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike.
Despite the lukewarm response, the film managed to perform well at the box office, earning over 20 crore rupees in its opening weekend. The film's earnings have been attributed to the star power of the lead actors, as well as its catchy soundtrack.
However, some critics have noted that the film's story and screenplay are weak, and that it relies too heavily on the charm of its lead actors. Others have praised the film's direction and cinematography.
Overall, "Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar" is a typical Bollywood masala film that offers little in the way of substance, but manages to entertain audiences with its catchy songs and star-studded cast. While it may not be a critical darling, it has managed to capture the attention of audiences and earn a respectable amount of money at the box office.
Despite the lukewarm response, the film managed to perform well at the box office, earning over 20 crore rupees in its opening weekend. The film's earnings have been attributed to the star power of the lead actors, as well as its catchy soundtrack.
However, some critics have noted that the film's story and screenplay are weak, and that it relies too heavily on the charm of its lead actors. Others have praised the film's direction and cinematography.
Overall, "Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar" is a typical Bollywood masala film that offers little in the way of substance, but manages to entertain audiences with its catchy songs and star-studded cast. While it may not be a critical darling, it has managed to capture the attention of audiences and earn a respectable amount of money at the box office.