Telangana has once again emerged as the top-performing state in India in terms of the number of villages achieving the Open Defecation Free Plus (ODF Plus) status. ODF Plus status is achieved when villages not only eliminate open defecation but also ensure that all waste is safely managed and their surroundings are clean and hygienic. As of March 2021, Telangana had 10,128 ODF Plus villages, which is the highest in the country.
the various initiatives taken by the state government, such as the construction of individual household toilets, community toilets, and solid and liquid waste management facilities, to achieve this feat. The state government has also set up a monitoring system to ensure that the ODF Plus status is maintained in these villages.
Telangana has made significant progress in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) since its launch in 2014. The state has constructed over 2.3 million individual household toilets and over 12,000 community toilets to eliminate open defecation. Furthermore, the state has also set up a comprehensive solid and liquid waste management system, which includes waste segregation at source, door-to-door collection, transportation, and treatment of waste.
Overall, the article highlights Telangana's commitment to ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in its villages through various initiatives, resulting in the state being recognized as a top performer in achieving ODF Plus status.
the various initiatives taken by the state government, such as the construction of individual household toilets, community toilets, and solid and liquid waste management facilities, to achieve this feat. The state government has also set up a monitoring system to ensure that the ODF Plus status is maintained in these villages.
Telangana has made significant progress in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) since its launch in 2014. The state has constructed over 2.3 million individual household toilets and over 12,000 community toilets to eliminate open defecation. Furthermore, the state has also set up a comprehensive solid and liquid waste management system, which includes waste segregation at source, door-to-door collection, transportation, and treatment of waste.
Overall, the article highlights Telangana's commitment to ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in its villages through various initiatives, resulting in the state being recognized as a top performer in achieving ODF Plus status.