A 50-year-old beggar with Rs 1 lakh in cash died of starvation, raising questions for the police. The circumstances surrounding his death are mysterious and warrant investigation.
- A 50-year-old beggar, who possessed Rs 1 lakh in cash, died due to starvation, prompting police inquiries.
- The beggar's death has raised numerous questions, perplexing the police, despite the fact that little is known about his life.
- The individual sought alms but had a substantial amount of cash, leading to speculation and confusion.
- The beggar was admitted to a hospital, and treatment commenced only after a significant delay.
- Authorities have stated that the cause of his starvation and death needs further investigation.
- The police are puzzled about why a person with a considerable sum of money would succumb to starvation.
- The circumstances surrounding the beggar's possession of such a large amount of cash and subsequent death remain unclear.
- The incident has triggered concerns and inquiries, highlighting the need for a comprehensive investigation into the beggar's demise.
- The news article emphasizes the mysterious nature of the beggar's death and the various unanswered questions surrounding the case.