A Hyderabad doctor was defrauded of a significant sum of Rs. 8.6 crores in a sophisticated cybercrime scheme involving multiple fraudulent investment platforms. The perpetrators successfully manipulated the victim over a period of several weeks, leading to substantial financial loss.
- Sophisticated Cybercrime: A highly organized cybercrime syndicate targeted a Hyderabad-based doctor.
- Investment Scam: The perpetrators lured the victim into investing in fraudulent share trading schemes through various online platforms.
- Multiple Transactions: The doctor was convinced to transfer funds into multiple bank accounts over a period of several weeks, totaling Rs. 8.6 crores.
- Trust and Deception: The criminals employed a well-crafted strategy to gain the victim's trust, including the use of fake documents and impersonation of legitimate financial institutions.
- Widespread Network: The money was transferred to numerous bank accounts across India, indicating a large and well-connected criminal network.
- Law Enforcement Investigation: The Telangana Cyber Security Bureau is actively investigating the case and has identified multiple 'money mules' involved in laundering the stolen funds.